Who We Are

A Brief History of the Utah School Employees Association
The Utah School Employees Association was originally organized by a small group of classified employees in 1929. Founders were mostly supervisors from custodial and maintenance departments throughout Utah school districts. The “Building and Grounds Association” soon grew with the interest of other classified personnel and in 1938 became the USEA.
In 1955, a committee was assigned to develop a plan to increase the benefits and services provided by the Association. The committee was charged with the task of taking the Association from a socially oriented organization to a statewide collective bargaining unit. 14 years later, in 1969, 1400 members voted to increase their $1.00 annual dues to $18.00 per year. This allowed a state office to be established, a new Constitution and By-Laws to be written, an annual conference to be held, and a part-time executive director to be hired. The benefit of a term life insurance program was also adopted.
The Association began to gain momentum. Classified employees in urban and rural school districts from across the state joined the organization. In 1999 USEA represented over 6700 members in 42 school districts. In 2004, USEA ended its long standing relationship with the American Association of Classified School Employees (AACSE), which was a small national organization comprised of independent classified employee associations. With this decision came an agreement to affiliate as a state wide local of the National Education Association (NEA). This affiliation has brought USEA numerous resources such as training, member benefits, staffing, financial resources and a national political voice that could never have been realized through AACSE.
Over the years, the Association has advocated for programs that benefit classified employees. Among these are maintaining state retirement funding, wages, hours, and improved working conditions for Utah’s classified employees.
USEA is the largest public employee Association representing classified employees in the state of Utah. It is the only association that has effectively assisted classified employees in this state to realize significant gains in bargaining efforts with their employers.
USEA is currently engaged in organizational transformation. Our vision: “Great Public Schools where school support professionals are recognized and respected as essential partners in student success.” And “our mission is to empower, support and elevate school support professional careers to positively impact student success.” USEA and our Local Associations will continue to be the voice of Educational Support Professionals.

USEA Leadership
USEA President
Mike Evans
Phone: (801)745-7657
Email: mevans@useaut.org
USEA Vice President
Brandon Wolf
Email: brandon.wolf@useaut.org
USEA Secretary/Treasurer
Jen Bramson
Email: jbramson@useaut.org
Executive Board:
Custodial Services: David Cook
(Box Elder, Cache, Logan & Rich)
Technical Services: Allen Miller
(Davis, Morgan, Ogden & Weber)
Security Services: Vacant
(Murray, Granite, Salt Lake City & Tooele)
Skilled Trades/Maintenance: Mike Memmott
(Canyons, Jordan, N Summit, Park City &
S Summit)
Transportation: Rick Montague
(Alpine, Nebo, Provo & Tintic)
Health/Student Services: Vacant
(Daggett, Duchesne, Uintah & Wasatch )
Clerical Services: Brit Wolf
(Juab, N Sanpete, Sevier & S Sanpete)
Paraeducators: Melissia Lemon
(Beaver, Iron, Millard & Washington)
Food Services: Vacant
(Emery, Garfield, Grand, Kane, Piute, San Juan & Wayne)

USEA Staff
Business Operations
Greg Burrow
Interim Executive Director
Phone: (801)699-8025
Email: gburrow@useaut.org
Shay Foster
Executive Manager
Phone: (801) 516-8183
Email: sfoster@useaut.org
Field Operations
Kaleigh Patterson
Organizational Specialist
Communication Director
Phone: (801) 618-6271
Email: kpatterson@useaut.org​
Natalie Patterson
Organizational Specialist
Professional Development
Phone: (801) 633-3276
Email: npatterson@useaut.org
Arthur Huron
Organizational Specialist
Professional Development
Phone: (801) 633-3276
Email: ahuron@useaut.org